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Make a difference! Be a part of the Judicial Evaluation Committee!

By June 14, 2012February 8th, 2013No Comments

LAGBAC’s Judicial Evaluation Committee (“JEC”) would like to broaden its reach by adding new members. The JEC screens judicial candidates seeking election or appointment, as well as sitting judges. Through investigation, screening and interviewing, the JEC determines whether candidates can be recommended for judicial positions. Most recently, the JEC screened all candidates running in the March 2012 primary elections. The committee is currently screening sitting judges who will be seeking retention in the November election. Although JEC membership does require some time commitment (usually no more than 10 hours over the course of 2–3 months), the committee’s work is vital to ensure that the state judiciary is comprised of well qualified judges and to provide the public with an opportunity to cast an informed vote. Those interested in joining LAGBAC’s JEC should email Susana Darwin at or Chuck Little at